Social Media – Does My Business Really Need It?

Social Media – Does My Business Really Need It?

When it comes to prioritizing what you marketing team need to be doing, management of your various social media channels can come way down the list. It is time consuming, can be difficult to come up with new content which drives user engagement and the return for all the efforts can often be difficult to measure.

However, in an age where 60% of the world population now use social media, it really is something that businesses can no longer choose to ignore, but where do you start?

Decide On Your Objectives
The starting point before you even set up your various social media pages is why are you doing it? Is it to generate fresh sales leads? Is it to raise awareness of your company’s services? Is it to share news of what is happening in the Industry? Although all these points are relevant, the most important thing is that your followers achieve something from reading your posts, so there needs to be something in it for them by following you.

Identify Your Target Market
It may seem an obvious one, but I know so many agencies and indeed companies that fail to set the correct tone of voice with their activity by not tailoring their content of their social media to the relevant target audience they are trying to reach. There are a number of tools available to increase engagement with your followers, such as Geo targeting your Facebook advertising by occupation or location or becoming active on Facebook Groups and Forums and then sharing content. Becoming relevant and targeted in your approach, will all help to make your social media activity engaging and on message.

What do you want to say?
Nobody knows the industry as well as you do, so why not tell your followers about things which are going to help them?  It might be a new product that you have just launched? It might be new legislation which will impact on their working practices? It might even be a new promotion of discounted products that will help your followers save money?.  If you can help solve a problem for your followers, then they are much more likely to share your post and engage with your activity, especially if you are original with what you are posting. Creating fresh, original new content is often referred to as “Thought Leadership” as you are simply leading the way on providing new knowledge for your followers. This also enables you to become the source of the truth and the new ambassador of the industry, building trust and respect for your brand along the way.

Measure Its Effectiveness

There are a number of tools which you can use to track what is working and what isn’t once you have put a social media plan in place. Google Analytics can help show the number of visitors to your website following recent posts and it will also track what sections of your website are being visited. Linked-in also can profile the number of views that your post has received, and it also provides the company profile of your visitor for lead generation. Facebook provides a very detailed summary of users who has seen your latest campaigns, enabling you to increase or decrease your spend activity to increase your audience reach  from a local to a national level.

Social media success will not happen overnight, it takes time and skill to build your presence, but it can be an extremely cost effective way of getting your brand and services in front of new people. PMF Marketing can set up your social media channels, write your content and manage your communications strategy to build your presence and maximise your audience reach across Linked In, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. social media management services

If you would like to understand more how I can help your business, please call me today for a FREE 30 minute call and lets get building your business back to growth together.


Top10 social media benefits

Paul Fallon