How to get noticed, email marketing tips

How to get noticed, email marketing tips

One of the most cost-effective methods you can use to communicate with your potential new or existing customers as a business is email marketing

The software of choice to deploy your message is typically Mailchimp or Constant Contact and both have their own pros and cons.

The biggest challenge you have is getting you message opened and heard over the typical spam your customers receive. So here are a few simple tips to make sure your emails are opened and read.

Target email list – make sure it is up to date

Making sure your email list is up to date is not only important for GDPR it is also essential to avoid any issues with your email software provider. Make sure you have the correct  business email address and make sure it is of an individual person rather than a general sales or info address to ensure it gets through to the correct decision maker.

Subject line – make it stand out!

Do not underestimate the importance of the subject line to catch the customer’s eye. It really can make the difference if its opened or not, so take some time drafting a subject line that is really going to stand out against the rest.

Make sure content is relevant

This may seem obvious, but it is one of the biggest frustrations your customers will have if it is the email content is not relevant or interesting to them or you will soon have them heading for the unsubscribe button and they are gone forever.

Responsive to all mobile devices

Typically, 85% of your clients will view your email on their mobile devices, so it is essential that they are optimised to be viewed on different mobile devices as well as a laptop. Otherwise, you could be missing a huge share of your target audience. Also make sure you send a test email before the final version is despatched and view it as your customers will see it on their mobile device.

Lets get personal

Personalisation goes a long way in email marketing. Without it, people will be reminded that the email is just one of many, but with-it people can just feel it is them you are talking to. Make sure, not only do you open the email copy with their name, but you can also add a member of staff’s name as a personal recipient, once again adding that personal touch that your customers crave these days from digital communications and will make them much more likely to respond

In life … timing is everything!

There are “sweet spot” times that you can send your emails out to ensure the best chances of them being opened and read. Typically, this is between 9am and 11am and 3pm and 5pm, however this might not always be right for your business, so do not be afraid to experiment, you will soon realise what works best.

PMF Marketing recently handled a project to set up some e-marketing activity for our client Kraftwerk Europe which resulted in securing a new online customer, so it does work! If you would like a free 30-minute consultation how we can help your business contact us today.

Paul Fallon